Committed to Public Safety
The town of Bolivar has a substation/office of the Jefferson County Sheriff located at Town Hall. An officer is available upon request to meet with residents there to answer any questions or concerns you may have. The town of Bolivar, in partnership with the Sheriff, are committed to serve the safety needs of all of our citizens and businesses. A representative from JCSO attends most monthly Council Meeting to provide a report.
Mission Statement:
The mission of the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office is to provide the citizens and visitors of Jefferson County with professional law enforcement services, as well as respect, efficiency, and integrity. The Sheriff’s Office strives to work in collaboration with the other law enforcement agencies in the county and surrounding areas. The Sheriff's Office endeavors to make our community proud of those that are sworn to protect it. Our desire is a safer Jefferson County with less crime and more involved citizens.
Thomas H. Hansen, Sheriff and Treasurer

Schedule a Meeting
Our full-time Sheriff's Deputy, Corporal AJ Hockman is happy to sit down and meet with you to hear concerns. Please email him or call 304-535-1562 to leave the deputy a message.
JCSO Emergency
Dial 9-1-1
JCSO Non-Emergency
Dial 304-728-3205